
Friday, September 30, 2005

The future 

A lot of people have been asking me about my plans for next year, which is a fair enough question. Unfortunately my answer isn’t all that clear. On the one hand, I have no idea what I will actually do next year. I want to be as open as possible to anything God might have around the corner for me. I’ll consider secular work, working for another Church and a few different study options. Anyone that wants to talk to me about a job I’ll talk to, but I’ll need to be praying and thinking heaps to discern what will be best for Ruth and Elizabeth and myself.

Whilst waiting to consider any other options, I am making plans to spend a year studying. Fortunately, in 2006 Education Queensland is changing the requirement for teacher training so that graduates only need to complete a 1 year Graduate Diploma in Education instead of a 2 year Bachelor of Education to be eligible to teach. I’m looking at any of QUT (external), ACU, UQ or GU, and all have their pluses and minuses.

I like the idea of being a Christian studies teacher or a chaplain. The consensus seems to be that teaching is my strongest gift from God, and my passion seems to be for young people, so this might just be the best ministry possible for me. It may also allow a bit of travel at some point, provide an income source to explore various ministry options without having to be paid by a Church and allow me to go back into Church ministry in the future if that seems right at the time.

One of the key variables for me is working out what subjects I could be qualified to teach. I have heaps of subjects clocked up for Economics and Theology, plus a few here and there for social sciences and maths. However there isn’t a great demand for economics teachers, and Christian studies will restrict me to private schools, so I may lock myself out of a lot of jobs if I restrict myself to those two!

Anyway, we are simultaneously scared and excited about the future. I’m sure it’s going to be good!

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